Attorney and Lawyer WordPress Themes

While WordPress prides itself on having a vast collection of themes for just about any blog, websites pertaining to lawyers and attorneys often get the short end of the stick. This doesn’t mean that there is a lack of option, absolutely not. But as said before, not all themes are created, which is why today we bring you some of the best WordPress themes currently available out there for lawyers and attorneys.
Price: $67
[su_button url=”http://themeisle.com/themes/lawyeria-attorney-lawyer-wordpress-theme/” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://demo.themeisle.com/lawyeria” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
‘Lawyeria’ is widely regarded as one of the finest and most comprehensive WordPress themes for lawyers and firms out there. Perhaps one of the reasons why it is loved so much is its ability to cleverly arrange content blocks that will help you market your services more efficiently and make sure that no important information has been left out. Features include a fully responsive design, clean and validated code, custom theme widgets, configurable homepage, WPML support, custom admin interface and much more.
Law Business
Price: $49
[su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/lawbusiness-attorney-lawyer-wordpress-theme/7581460?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://themes.cmsmasters.net/?theme=lawbusiness” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
With all the necessary functionality required to provide legal services on the web, ‘LawBusiness’ by cmsmasters is one of the few rare gems that is an ideal solution for both beginning private attorneys as well as large corporate law firms. With custom post types, a customizable admin panel, ‘drag and drop’ content composer, custom shortcodes, form builder tools, fully responsive layout that is Retina ready, custom background options and widgets, Layer Slider and Revolution Slider already built-in, SEO friendly code and very extensive customer support, ‘LawBusiness’ is a great way to get your legal skills on the web.
Price: $59
[su_button url=”https://themeforest.net/item/attorney-lawyer-attorney-wordpress-theme/12414907?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://themes.theemon.com/?theme=attorney-wp” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
If comprehensive features and breathtaking functionality are your things, then ‘Attorney’ is definitely worth a look. The whole idea here is to give you the best looking website possible, even if you don’t know a single thing about coding. Powered by the Bootstrap 3 framework, the theme utilizes up to four different layout options, a fully responsive design, Visual Composer and Revolution Slider already built-in, MailChimp and BuddyPress compatibility, Google Web Fonts, WPML functionality, active PHP forms with JS validation, optimized CSS and HTML5 code, as well as Contact Form 7 and Gravity Form compatibility. With full freedom to create the kind of design style you want, there’s no doubt ‘Attorney’ is a whole lot of value for your buck.
Price: $49
[su_button url=”https://themeforest.net/item/forstron-legal-business-wordpress-theme/10935963?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://preview.themeforest.net/item/forstron-legal-business-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/10935963″ target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
An intuitive and highly flexible theme template, ‘Forstron’ strives to provide some of the best features and design choices for any person or person looking to create a legal consulting service on the web. A fully GPL licensed theme, ‘Forstron’ comes bundled with the Beaver Builder page builder, WYSIWYG theme customizer, SEO and microdata optimization, a responsive design with high DPI count, WPML functionality, transferable custom post types and shortcodes, parallax effects support with on-page anchor navigation, unlimited typography options and much more.
Price: $49
[su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/dejure-responsive-wp-theme-for-law-firm-business/11228701?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/dejure-responsive-wp-theme-for-law-firm-business/full_screen_preview/11228701&ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
For those looking for a corporate theme with a touch of modern elegance, ‘Dejure’ looks to be the weapon of choice. Visually dynamic, highly customizable and oozing with finesse, ‘Dejure’ aims to put your business in the spotlight, with a touch of radiance. Pages are easy to build and customize with the bundled Visual Composer plug-in and a fully responsive design makes your website visually appealing and optimized for all kinds of viewing platforms. The theme also comes with Revolution Slider, Contact Form 7 and Photoswipe Gallery pre-installed, off canvas slidebars, megamenus, Google Fonts support, SEO optimization and Retina ready certification.
Price: $44
[su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/maxim-simple-company-and-lawyer-theme/8004265?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/maxim-simple-company-and-lawyer-theme/full_screen_preview/8004265&ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
While most corporate themes tend to go for a very minimalistic design decision to focus solely on their services, ‘Maxim’ tends to make use of a lot of extravagant and sophisticated layouts, without losing focus on the important things. Apart from its eye catching looks, ‘Maxim’ provides you with the standard selection of features like SEO optimization, a fully responsive design, shortcodes, multiple page layouts and a built in contact form.
Law Office
Price: $59
[su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/law-office-lawyers-attorneys-legal-office-theme/10427854?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/law-office-lawyers-attorneys-legal-office-theme/full_screen_preview/10427854&ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
‘Law Office’ harkens to the oldest saying of the legal profession; “Be concise and effective”. ‘Law Office’ brings a very modern perspective, complete with a rating and review mechanism in place. The theme provides you with parallax and video backgrounds, a fully responsive display, Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Flex Slider, Royal Slider and Swiper Slider pre-installed, numerous pagination styles included, WPML ready, Themerex framework, media content manager, PO composer, SEO optimization, TRX emailer and much more.
Price: $44
[su_button url=”https://themeforest.net/item/silvio-lawyer-business-wordpress-theme/5265729?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://preview.themeforest.net/item/silvio-lawyer-business-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/5265729″ target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
Whenever one thinks of a ‘law theme’, one word immediate springs into mind; ‘professionalism’. And ‘Silvio’ has professionalism, in spades. While it may be considered less tech-savvy than most other themes, what you’re getting in return is a very simple, clean and immensely powerful GUI that knows what it’s meant to do. Another point of interest are the dedicated client pages, which are password protected and allow you to converse and share information with your clients over the web. Apart from that you have a fully responsive design, Zilla Shortcodes enabled, WPML support, speed optimization, newsletter service with Mailchimp integration and full extensive PSD documentation.
Practice Law
Price: $59
[su_button url=https://creativemarket.com/lookoutsoftware/317865-Practice-Law-WP-Attorney-Theme” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://law-themes.com/demos/wordpress/pl/home-page/” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
If versatility and functionality is what you’re looking for, then ‘Practice Law’ is what you need. It doesn’t matter if you’re a solo practice or multi-attorney practice as ‘Practice Law’ includes design functionality for both, and can easily transition from solo practice to multi-attorney law firm as your operation expands. Utilizing the ever popular Visual Composer, you get multiple design options with light and dark variants available. SEO optimization and legal FAQ(s) make this theme very easy to navigate, whereas parallax options make the theme look visually stunning. Apart from that, you also get Contact Form 7, Google Maps with custom map pin options, product/service content boxes, various button styles, visual progress and action bars and much more.
Price: $48
[su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/defender-attorney-lawyer-wordpress-theme/11917092?ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: level-down”]Download[/su_button] [su_button url=”http://themeforest.net/item/defender-attorney-lawyer-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/11917092&ref=munau” target=”blank” style=”flat” icon=”icon: mail-forward”]Demo[/su_button]
If you want the most bang for your buck, ‘Defender’ is by far the most feature rich option on this list. Powered by Tesla framework, ‘Defender’ is a very powerful and effective WordPress legal theme that aims to create a smooth user experience for your website. With features like Booked (an appointment booking plugin), Slider Revolution plugin, a fully responsive design, custom posts and widgets, WPML compatibility, cross browser support and full documentation, ‘Defender’ is the way to go no matter how big or small your organization may be.
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